Numismatic news

Content is available mostly in Slovene.

12/03/2024 Numismatic products for 2024 on sale from 18 December The numismatic products for 2024 will be released by Banka Slovenije for sale and circulation on 18 December. Commemorative coins marking the 250th anniversary of the National and University Library, collector coins marking the 150th anniversary of the birth of Rudolf Maister and sets of euro coins for 2024 will all be available for sale. The online orders have been reserved, and will be available for pickup at selected collection points until 10 January 2025.
10/25/2024 Change in the price of gold coins
09/25/2024 Orders closed for 2024 numismatic products
09/05/2024 Friendly reminder: invitation to order numismatic products for 2024
09/02/2024 Change in the price of gold coins
08/07/2024 Invitation to order numismatic products for 2024 Banka Slovenije is accepting orders for the purchase of 2024 numismatic products until 16 September 2024. This year, the occasional coins will mark the 250th anniversary of the National and University Library and the 150th anniversary of Rudolf Maister's birth.
07/16/2024 Vabilo za predloge dogodkov, ki bi jih obeležili z izdajo priložnostnih kovancev V Banki Slovenije vsako leto z izdajo priložnostnih kovancev obeležimo dogodke ali obletnice, ki so pomembni za Slovenijo ali imajo širši mednarodni pomen. Tako tudi letos zbiramo predloge za obeležitev dogodkov v prihodnjih letih, in sicer od vključno leta 2026 naprej. Vaše predloge za leto 2026 pričakujemo do 30. septembra 2024.
06/13/2024 Results of tender for designing drafts of occasional coins to be issued in 2025
04/10/2024 Change in the price of gold coins
04/05/2024 Projected release of occasional coins in 2024, and ordering of the 2024 numismatic products via the online app
04/01/2024 Change of gold coins' price
03/08/2024 Zbiramo likovne rešitve za priložnostne kovance V Banki Slovenije bomo v skladu z odločitvijo Vlade RS v letu 2025 izdali dva priložnostna kovanca. Namenjena bosta (i) obeležitvi 100. obletnice rojstva Mikija Mustra (spominski kovanec) in (ii) Evropski prestolnici kulture 2025 Nova Gorica – Gorizia (zbirateljski kovanci). V ta namen razpisujemo javni anonimni natečaj za oblikovanje likovnih rešitev omenjenih priložnostnih kovancev.
02/13/2024 Proof quality commemorative coins and euro coin sets for 2023 to go on sale on 27 February Banka Slovenije’s final numismatic products for 2023, namely commemorative coins marking the 150th anniversary of the birth of Josip Plemelj and the set of euro coins minted in 2023, will be released for sale and circulation on 27 February in proof quality. The online orders have been reserved, and will be available for pickup at selected collection points until 11 March.
12/05/2023 Commemorative coins and set of 2023 euro coins in BU quality on sale from 19 December The commemorative coins marking the 150th anniversary of the birth of Josip Plemelj and the set of euro coins minted in 2023 of BU quality are being released by Banka Slovenije on 19 December. The online orders have been reserved, and will be available for pickup at selected pickup points until 5 January 2024. Information about the pickup of the commemorative coins and the coin sets of proof quality will be provided later.
09/07/2023 First numismatic products of the year on sale from 19 September September Banka Slovenije is releasing its first numismatic products of 2023 for sale and circulation on 19 September. Collector coins marking the 110th anniversary of the birth of Slovenian writer Boris Pahor, and commemorative coins marking the Day of Slovenian Sport will go on sale. The online orders have been reserved, and will be available for pickup at selected collection points until 2 October. A commemorative coin marking the 150th anniversary of the birth of Josip Plemelj and the 2023 euro coin sets are scheduled for release in December.
08/28/2023 Call for proposals for events to be commemorated by issuing occasional coins Every year, Banka Slovenije commemorates events or anniversaries important to Slovenia by issuing occasional coins. Therefore, we are collecting proposals for commemorating events in the coming years, starting from 2025 inclusive. We expect your initiatives for 2025 by the end of September 2023.
08/11/2023 Results of tender for designing drafts of occasional coins to be issued in 2024
06/09/2023 Announcement: invitation to order the numismatic products for 2023
04/07/2023 Zbiramo likovne rešitve za priložnostne kovance V Banki Slovenije bomo v skladu z odločitvijo Vlade RS v letu 2024 izdali dva priložnostna kovanca. Namenjena bosta obeležitvi (i) 250-letnice Narodne in univerzitetne knjižnice (spominski kovanec) in (ii) 150. obletnice rojstva Rudolfa Maistra (zbirateljski kovanci). V ta namen razpisujemo javni anonimni natečaj za oblikovanje likovnih rešitev omenjenih priložnostnih kovancev.
01/30/2023 Results of tender for designing drafts of occasional coins to be issued in 2023
09/30/2022 Javni anonimni natečaj za oblikovanje likovnih rešitev priložnostnih kovancev, ki bodo izdani v letu 2023
08/25/2022 Results of tender for designing additional issues of occasional coins for 2022, change of events to be marked in 2022 and determination of events to be marked in 2023
07/20/2022 Call for proposals for events to be commemorated by issuing occasional coins Every year, Banka Slovenije commemorates events or anniversaries important to Slovenia by issuing occasional coins. Therefore, we are collecting proposals for commemorating events in the coming years, starting from 2024 inclusive. We expect your initiatives for 2024 by the end of October 2022.
06/03/2022 Common commemorative coin of euro area countries marking the 35th anniversary of the Erasmus programme on sale in July On 1 July 2022 Banka Slovenije will release for sale and circulation the Slovenian issuing of the common commemorative coin of all countries of the euro area issued to mark the 35th anniversary of the Erasmus student exchange programme. This will be the third theme of the special coins issued this year. This time the commemorative coins will be freely available for purchase at the usual points of sale.
05/27/2022 Do you have an idea what should the next occasional coin look like? Apply to the competition! In accordance with the decision of the government of the Republic of Slovenia, Banka Slovenije will issue two more occasional coins with the intention to commemorate (i) the day of Slovenian Sport and (ii) the 90th anniversary of birth of dr. Jože Pučnik. To this end, we are releasing a tender for public anonymous competition for design of the mentioned occasional coins.
03/04/2022 Sets of Banka Slovenije medals sold out, silver medal marking 20th anniversary of Banka Slovenije still available
02/23/2022 Orders closed for 2022 numismatic products
01/28/2022 Invitation to order the numismatic products for 2022
01/28/2022 Sets of Banka Slovenije medals and silver medal marking 20th anniversary of Banka Slovenije still on sale
01/27/2022 First special coins of 2022 on sale 2 March; now with the option of online purchase Starting on 2 March Banka Slovenije will issue for sale and circulation the first of this year’s commemorative and collector coins. Offered for sale will be commemorative coins marking the 150th anniversary of the birth of architect Jože Plečnik and collector coins marking the 150th anniversary of the birth of painter Matija Jama. The planned issuing of a joint commemorative coin of all Member States of the Eurosystem, with the theme of the 35th anniversary of the Erasmus student exchange programme, is expected in July. This year Banka Slovenije is also introducing a major new feature – the option of online ordering of all numismatic products for all individuals and companies.
11/16/2021 Srebrne medalje ob 20. obletnici Banke Slovenije so še v prodaji
10/19/2021 Commemorative coins on sale from 25 October Banka Slovenije is issuing two series of commemorative coins, which will go on sale on 25 October: collector coins marking the 30th anniversary of Slovenia’s statehood, and commemorative coins marking the 200th anniversary of the founding of the Provincial Museum for Carniola, the first museum in Slovenia. We have also prepared sets of 2021 euro coins.
09/23/2021 Public notice of the sale of medals marking the 20th and 30th anniversaries of Banka Slovenije
08/09/2021 Vabilo za predloge dogodkov, ki bi jih lahko obeležili z izdajo priložnostnih kovancev
07/21/2021 Results of tender for designing drafts of occasional coins to be issued in 2022 and an additional issue of collector coins for 2021
05/31/2021 Prices and planned issuance date for gold and silver medals commemorating 30th anniversary of Banka Slovenije
05/11/2021 New: Planned dates for issuance of numismatic products 2021 in circulation and for sale
05/10/2021 From 12 May, collector coins to mark the 300th anniversary of the Škofja Loka Passion will be available for purchase
04/09/2021 Tender for public anonymous competition for designing drafts of occasional coins issued in 2022 and an additional issue in 2021
03/16/2021 Glasovanje za likovno rešitev skupnega evropskega spominskega kovanca (2022)
02/11/2021 Planned dates for issuance of numismatic products 2021 in circulation and for sale
12/14/2020 2020 collector and commemorative coins on sale 23 December As is customary, this year we will be issuing collector and commemorative coins, along with other numismatic products, for 2020. This year, the collector coins will mark the 30th anniversary of the referendum on the Republic of Slovenia’s independence, and the commemorative coins will honour the 500th anniversary of the birth of Adam Bohorič.
11/11/2020 The public has selected an artistic solution for the medallion to commemorate the 30th Anniversary of Banka Slovenije Banka Slovenije will issue gold and silver medallions to mark the 30th anniversary of its establishment, which we will celebrate next year. Through online voting, an artistic solution was selected that depicts the co-dependence of the country and the central bank using points. The 30 points on the front side of the medallion represent Banka Slovenije’s growth during this period, while points are arranged in the shape of Slovenia on the reverse side. The medallions, for which collectors have already expressed interest, are expected to be on sale from June 2021 on at Banka Slovenije counters.
11/03/2020 Results of tender for designing drafts of occasional coins to be issued in 2021
09/17/2020 Oblikovanje likovne rešitve skupnega evropskega kovanca (2022)
08/14/2020 Change of gold coins' price
07/13/2020 30 let Banke Slovenije: javni anonimni natečaj za oblikovanje likovnih rešitev medalje
06/08/2020 Tender for public anonymous competition for designing drafts of occasional coins issued in 2021
04/14/2020 Change of gold coins' price
02/10/2020 Planned dates for issuance of numismatic products 2020 in circulation and for sale
01/31/2020 Izbrani dogodki za izdajo priložnostnih kovancev v letu 2021 in zbiranje predlogov dogodkov za leta od 2022 naprej
11/21/2019 New commemorative coins marking the centenary of the founding of the University of Ljubljana enter circulation A commemorative 2-euro coin and the new set of euro coins dated 2019 will enter circulation and be available for sale as of 25 November 2019. The event being marked by this latest commemorative coin is the centenary of the founding of the University of Ljubljana.
10/27/2019 Invitation to discussion and exhibition Numismatics – little stone in building national identity The discussion will take place on Thursday 14 November 2019 from 2pm to 4 pm at Banka Slovenije.
09/18/2019 Results of tender for designing drafts of occasional coins to be issued in 2020
07/30/2019 New collector coins are entering circulation, commemorating the centenary of Prekmurje rejoining its homeland On 12 August 2019, new 2019 collector coins will enter circulation: gold, silver and bimetallic collector coins. The event recorded on these latest collector coins is the centenary of Prekmurje rejoining its homeland
01/25/2019 Izbrani dogodki za izdajo priložnostnih kovancev v letu 2020 in zbiranje predlogov dogodkov za leta od 2021 naprej
10/24/2018 New collector coins into circulation Coins will be issued to mark the 100th anniversary of the end of the First World War.
10/17/2018 Results of tender for designing drafts of occasional coins to be issued in 2019
05/09/2018 Commemorative coin issued to mark the World bee day into circulation on May 14
04/26/2018 Tender for public, anonymous competition for designing drafts of occasional coins
03/09/2018 Izbrani dogodki za izdajo priložnostnih kovancev v letu 2019 in zbiranje predlogov dogodkov za leti 2020 in 2021
08/09/2017 Numismatic products 2018
08/07/2017 Rezultat javnega, anonimnega natečaja za oblikovanje idejnih osnutkov priložnostnih kovancev, ki bodo izdani v letu 2018
05/10/2017 Collector coins to mark 100th anniversary of the May Declaration (2017)
03/27/2017 Izbrani dogodki za zaznamovanje z izdajo priložnostnih kovancev v letu 2018
01/25/2017 Spominski kovanec, izdan ob 10. obletnici uvedbe evra v Sloveniji, v obtok 2. februarja 2017
01/16/2017 Izbrani dogodki za izdajo priložnostnih kovancev v letu 2017 in zbiranje predlogov dogodkov za leti 2018 in 2019
12/07/2016 Priložnostni kovanci Republike Slovenije - določanje dogodkov
08/17/2016 Rezultat javnega, anonimnega natečaja za oblikovanje idejnih osnutkov priložnostnih kovancev, ki bodo izdani v letu 2017
07/13/2016 Numizmatični izdelki 2017
09/28/2015 Numizmatični izdelki 2016
06/18/2015 Rezultat javnega, anonimnega natečaja za oblikovanje idejnih osnutkov priložnostnih kovancev, izdanih v letu 2016
04/22/2015 Izbiranje motiva za spominski kovanec za 2€ ob 30. obletnici zastave Evropske unije
02/17/2015 Izbrani dogodki za izdajo priložnostnih kovancev v letu 2016
02/04/2015 Numizmatični izdelki 2015
11/11/2014 Numizmatični izdelki 2014
06/17/2014 Rezultat javnega, anonimnega natečaja za oblikovanje idejnih osnutkov priložnostnih kovancev, izdanih v letu 2015
01/28/2014 Numizmatične izdaje v letu 2014
01/23/2014 Izbrani dogodki za izdajo priložnostnih kovancev v letu 2015 in zbiranje predlogov dogodkov za leti 2016 in 2017