Razmere za poslovanje bank ostajajo ugodne © Banka Slovenije

Business conditions remain good for banks

12/19/2024 / Press release

Banks have been doing business in an environment of moderate economic growth this year. The gradual cuts in the ECB’s key interest rates are also being reflected in lending to the non-banking sector. Banks are continuing to lend mostly to the household sector (predominantly consumer loans), while corporate lending remains weak. Deposits by the non-banking sector remain a stable source of funding for Slovenian banks, with a notable inflow of household deposits this year.

Študija ECB: najpogosteje plačujemo z gotovino, pri nakupih večjih vrednosti pa uporabljamo elektronska plačila © Banka Slovenije

Študija ECB: najpogosteje plačujemo z gotovino, pri nakupih večjih vrednosti pa uporabljamo elektronska plačila

12/19/2024 / Press release

Na ravni evrskega območja gotovina ostaja največkrat uporabljeni plačilni instrument, ob čemer delež njene uporabe upada. Na drugi strani se krepi uporaba elektronskih plačil, ki prevladuje pri plačilih večjih vrednosti. Večina sodelujočih ocenjuje elektronska plačila kot hitrejša in enostavnejša, hkrati pa možnost plačevanja z gotovino omenja kot pomembno. V Banki Slovenije ugotavljamo, da Slovenija ostaja med državami z največjim deležem uporabe gotovine pri vsakodnevnih plačilih.

Krepitev gospodarske aktivnosti v prihodnjih letih; inflacija se bo gibala pri 2-odstotnem cilju cenovne stabilnosti © Banka Slovenije

Economy to strengthen over the next few years; inflation to stay close to the 2% price stability target rate

12/18/2024 / Press release

According to the economic projections released today by Banka Slovenije, economic growth has slowed this year following the rapid post-pandemic recovery, but will strengthen again between 2025 and 2027 to average 2.5% over this horizon. Employment growth will however be slower than in recent years. After falling sharply, inflation will stabilise close to the 2% price stability target rate over the projection horizon. The projections are accompanied by risks associated with structural challenges, and with geopolitical uncertainty and potential protectionist measures in international trade.

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Date: 12/18/2024

Main refinancing operations: 3.15


Date: 12/20/2024

EUR/USD 1.0390
EUR/CHF 0.9297

INFLATION RATE – HICP (annual percentage changes)

Date: 11/30/2024

  • 7.2%was the average headline inflation in 2023, as measured by HICP.

  • €10.7 billionwas excess liquidity of the Slovenian banking system at the end of 2023.

  • 1.0%was NPE ratio in the banking system at the end of 2023.

  • €16.4 billion net total of cash issued into circulation by the end of 2023 by Banka Slovenije since the adoption of the euro.


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Do you know what the four key tasks of Banka Slovenije are?

At Banka Slovenije, we place great emphasis on financial literacy, as over the last few years there has been a strong need to offer the population a wide range of educational opportunities in the financial field. As part of our efforts in this area, we have also prepared a short animation presenting Banka Slovenije's key tasks.