Začenjajo se letošnji vse evropski stresni testi za pomembne banke Evrosistema © Adobe Stock

Začenjajo se letošnji vse evropski stresni testi za pomembne banke Evrosistema

01/20/2025 / Press release

V okviru Evropskega bančnega organa (EBA) in Evropske centralne banke (ECB) bomo tudi letos izvedli stresne teste za 96 največjih bank v evrskem območju. Od tega jih je 45 pod neposrednim nadzorom ECB. Gre za vzorec bank, ki skupaj predstavljajo približno 75 odstotkov bilančne vsote bank v evrskem območju. Stresni testi bodo potekali po pristopu od spodaj navzgor (bottom-up) z nekaterimi elementi od zgoraj navzdol.

Dijaki Gimnazije in srednje šole Rudolfa Maistra Kamnik so letošnji prvi Mojstri digitalne prihodnosti © Banka Slovenije

Dijaki Gimnazije in srednje šole Rudolfa Maistra Kamnik so letošnji prvi Mojstri digitalne prihodnosti

01/19/2025 / Press release

V okviru debatnega projekta Mojstri digitalne prihodnosti, ki ga v letošnjem šolskem letu drugič organiziramo v Banki Slovenije, smo dobili prve zmagovalce. Na izbornem turnirju med srednjimi šolami je v kategoriji neizkušenih debaterjev zmagala ekipa Ranae iz Gimnazije in srednje šole Rudolfa Maistra Kamnik. V kategoriji izkušeni debaterji pa sta se na finalni turnir uvrstili ekipi Bežigrad Amethyst in Bežigrad Cobalt, obe iz Gimnazije Bežigrad.

Četrtletna informacija Finančni računi Slovenije, januar 2025 © Banka Slovenije

Quarterly Information Financial Accounts of Slovenia, January 2025

01/15/2025 / Publications

The rises in stock markets have positively impacted the performance of the investment funds. Their value amounted to EUR 6.3 billion at the end of the third quarter of 2024, having increased by EUR 1.4 billion in the last year, with net inflows amounting to EUR 451 million and revaluations amounting to EUR 932 million.

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Date: 12/18/2024

Main refinancing operations: 3.15


Date: 01/20/2025

EUR/USD 1.0316
EUR/CHF 0.9429

INFLATION RATE – HICP (annual percentage changes)

Date: 12/31/2024

  • 7.2%was the average headline inflation in 2023, as measured by HICP.

  • €10.7 billionwas excess liquidity of the Slovenian banking system at the end of 2023.

  • 1.0%was NPE ratio in the banking system at the end of 2023.

  • €16.4 billion net total of cash issued into circulation by the end of 2023 by Banka Slovenije since the adoption of the euro.


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Do you know what the four key tasks of Banka Slovenije are?

At Banka Slovenije, we place great emphasis on financial literacy, as over the last few years there has been a strong need to offer the population a wide range of educational opportunities in the financial field. As part of our efforts in this area, we have also prepared a short animation presenting Banka Slovenije's key tasks.