Bid and ask rates for Bank of Slovenia clients

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Exchange rates value from 20.12.2024
The prices are valid from 21.12.2024 at 00.00 hours local time
Country Currency Label Code Buy Sell
United States US DOLLAR USD 840 1.0406 1.0374
Japan JAPANESE YEN JPY 392 163.13 162.65
Czechia CZECH KORUNA CZK 203 25.159 25.083
Denmark DANISH KRONE DKK 208 7.4726 7.4502
Hungary HUNGARIAN FORINT HUF 348 414.80 413.56
Norway NORWEGIAN KRONE NOK 578 11.8863 11.8507
Poland POLISH ZLOTY PLN 985 4.2687 4.2559
Sweden SWEDISH KRONA SEK 752 11.4932 11.4588
Switzerland SWISS FRANC CHF 756 0.9311 0.9283
United Kingdom POUND STERLING GBP 826 0.83089 0.82841
Australia AUSTRALIAN DOLLAR AUD 36 1.6699 1.6649
Canada CANADIAN DOLLAR CAD 124 1.4968 1.4924

All currencies quoted against the euro.
