EU Committees and other bodies
Informal ECOFIN
Informal meeting of EU economic and financial affairs ministers takes place twice a year. Governors of the central banks of the EU Member States also attend the meeting.
EFC - Economic and Financial Committee
The EFC contributes to the preparatory work of EU Council in Economic and Financial Affairs configuration (ECOFIN). This includes assessments of the economic and financial situation, the coordination of economic and fiscal policies, contributions on financial market matters, exchange rate polices and relations with third countries and international institutions. The EFC also provides the framework for preparing and pursuing the dialogue between the ECOFIN and the ECB. The EFC is composed of senior officials from national administrations and central banks, the ECB and the European Commission.
Committee for Monetary, Financial and Balance of Payments Statistics (CMFB)
The CMFB assists the European Commission and the ECB in drawing up and implementing the multiannual programme of work relating to monetary, financial and balance of payments statistics. The CMFB is the forum for co-ordination of statisticians from the national statistical institutes and Eurostat on the one hand, and the national central banks and the ECB on the other.
The European Statistical Forum (ESF)
The ESF gives strategic guidance in the relations between the European Statistical System (ESS) and the European System of Central Banks (ESCB).
- The European system of financial supervision (ESFS)