Decisions adopted by the Governing Board on the occasion of its 334rd regular meeting on 20 June 2006
At today’s meeting the Governing Board of the Bank of Slovenia discussed activities underway for introducing the euro at banks, the discussion covering a review of preparations for the introduction of the euro, the adaptation of information support, the adaptation of legal acts, information for customers and risk assessment. There was confirmation that the way in which the euro project is being managed and supervised by banks and savings banks is satisfactory. Preparations at banks for the introduction of the euro are currently focused on completing the adaptation of information support.
At today’s meeting the Governing Board was also briefed on the high growth in loans in Swiss francs. The stock of all loans to non-bank sectors in Swiss francs amounted to SIT 132.1 billion at the end of this April, with the proportion accounted for by households having risen by 17 percentage points from the same point last year to 57%. The volatility of the Swiss franc exchange rate against the tolar is greater than that of the euro exchange rate, and thus exposure to exchange-rate risk is greater for loans in Swiss francs. A decision was therefore taken today that before taking loans in a currency other than tolars or euros, bank customers should be made aware of the exchange-rate risks and interest-rate risks that they are assuming with the loan.