Decisions adopted by the Governing Board on 5 June 2007
06/05/2007 / Press release
- At today’s meeting the Governing Board of the Bank of Slovenia was briefed on the Bank of Slovenia’s incorporation into the system for the joint release of specific statistics by the ECB and the central banks of the euro area (the Eurosystem). The Bank of Slovenia has joined the central banks of the members of the Eurosystem in the regular joint synchronised release of standardised tables of euro area statistics and national contributions on their websites. The processing and release of euro area statistics is one of the Eurosystem’s most important tasks. The aforementioned data can be found on the Bank of Slovenia’s website, at the following URLs:
Aggregated balance sheet of euro area monetary financial institutions, excluding the Eurosystem
Domestic and cross-border positions of euro area monetary financial institutions, excluding the Eurosystem
Outstanding amounts and transactions of euro-denominated debt securities by country of residency and sector of the issuer and original maturity
Outstanding amounts and transactions of euro-denominated quoted shares by country of residency and sector of the issuer
Official reserve assets, other foreign currency assets and related short-term liabilities
Total assets of euro area investment funds
Euro area and national MFI interest rates
Growth rates for the national contributions to the aggregated balance sheet of euro area monetary financial institutions
Harmonised Competitiveness Indicators (based on consumer price indices)
- The Governing Board also discussed the performance of banks in the current year, movements on the capital market, and interest rates in the first quarter of this year. The banking system recorded an increase in lending to non-banking sectors in April as a result of increased lending to companies and non-financial institutions. Year-on-year growth in lending to non-financial corporations increased to 25.3% in April, the increase being distributed evenly among the banks according to their size. Interest rates on new loans in the first quarter of this year were between 0.3 and 0.4 percentage points higher than in the euro area, having been equal last December. Growth in lending to households also remains high (24.1%). The spread between average interest rates on new housing loans by banks in Slovenia and average rates in the euro area was 1.2 percentage points in March, down slightly from February. Interest rates on consumer loans in Slovenia were approximately 0.9 percentage points lower than in the euro area. Interest rates on corporate loans in Slovenia were 0.3 to 0.4 percentage points higher than in the euro area, having been equal last December.