Press release from the meeting of the Governing Board of the Bank of Slovenia on 18 November 2008
1. At today’s meeting the Governing Board of the Bank of Slovenia adopted an amendment to the Regulation on Credit Protection relating to certified real estate valuers. It extended until the end of 2009 the transitional period in which banks may also take valuations by court-appointed valuers who have taken additional training in valuation methods based on international valuation standards into consideration as the market value or mortgage value.
2. The Governing Board adopted guidelines for the implementation of measures to prevent money laundering and terrorist financing for the banking sector, which will aid banks in implementing the Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Act.
3. Given the recent significant decline in the amounts of tolar cash being exchanged for euros, the Governing Board adopted a regulation decreeing an end to the service of commission-free exchange of tolar cash at Nova KBM and Deželna banka Slovenije on 31 December 2008. As of 1 January 2009, tolar cash may only be exchanged commission-free at the main counters of the Bank of Slovenia.