Governor submits Annual Report 2023 to the National Assembly

06/12/2024 / Press release

Boštjan Vasle, Governor of Banka Slovenije, has submitted its 2023 annual report to Urška Klakočar Zupančič, president of the National Assembly. Over the weeks ahead he will make a presentation of the annual report to the National Assembly’s finance committee and the National Council’s economics, small business, tourism and finance committee.

With extraordinary events again having an impact on the year, 2023 was mainly marked by the challenges associated with high inflation, the decline in international economic activity, and persistent geopolitical uncertainty.

The difficulties of the macroeconomic environment domestically and internationally were reflected in reduced economic growth in Slovenia and in the euro area overall. During its gradual decline, inflation again stubbornly remained above its target level last year, which meant that the Eurosystem moved ahead with its shift into more restrictive monetary policy, and took decisive action to help maintain macroeconomic stability.

In addition to taking action in the area of monetary policy, we also took timely and appropriate action to respond to current trends in the banking system. Through macroprudential measures we strengthened financial stability, while our microprudential supervision helped guide banks into full compliance with current banking regulations.

Banka Slovenije also devoted particular attention to the wider social context, with a focus on young people, their financial literacy and cultural expression.

Banka Slovenije’s assessment is that our actions in 2023 saw us successfully fulfil our mandate as set out by law.

The Banka Slovenije annual report undergoing translation.