12th meeting of the National Payments Council
The 12th meeting of the National Payments Council (NPC) was held at the Bank of Slovenia on 6 December 2018, at which the NPC’s action plan for 2019 and 2020 was discussed and approved. By approving the action plan, including the relevant deadlines, the NPC stakeholders have committed themselves to their implementation.
By defining the priority tasks the action plan provides the basis for the implementation of the NPC’s Vision for the Development of the Payments Market in Slovenia, and thus a basis for the work not just of the NPC, but of its members (and the stakeholders represented by members of the NPC). Aligning the views of the stakeholders represented on the NPC with regard to its future work ensures greater involvement and commitment on the part of the stakeholders, thereby encouraging the development of a connected, competitive, effective, transparent, secure and innovative market in payment services in Slovenia.
Under the action plan, over the next two years the NPC will also focus on identifying the requirements of users, with the aim of encouraging the development and supply of effective means of payment to best reflect the expectations of users, including those with special needs. In addition, the NPC will also devote itself to upgrading and standardising (between NPC stakeholders) communications with users about innovations in the area of payments, the related risks, and the methods of protecting against these risks.
At the meeting, members of the NPC were briefed on the activities of banks and savings banks with regard to the development of the Slovenian instant payments scheme. Instant payments are available 24/7/365, and have great potential for use, particularly as an alternative to cash, in light of the transfer of funds from the payer’s account to the payee in (almost) real time, at the same speed as it takes to send an email or text. The NPC will continue to track developments in the area of instant payments, where it encourages the development and implementation of instant payments solutions that are simple, effective, secure, generally accepted at points of sale, and tailored to users’ requirements.
More information on the NPC and on the subjects discussed at meetings is available on the Bank of Slovenia website.